Tuesday 1 January 2013

Pyjama Day!!!

New Years Eve............

So, its the morning after the night before - and what a good night it was!!!

I'm not normally a New years Eve kinda person - haven't had an enjoyable/fun/happy one in about 25 years, so usually I dont bother and try to work it instead.
As you can see, this year was VERY different and as I sit here in my PJ's recovering and eating bacon butties, its kinda making me smile!!

Everything about the end of 2012 has been a bit topsy turvey this year, but don't get me wrong - its not all been bad. 
I might have spent Christmas day sat here by myself, cuddling little Barney in his last few days, but I tried to make it festive. Ok so I didnt make it to the Christmas carol service or the pub like I promised myself but that was more to do with not wanting to go out in the dreadful wet weather rather than anything else.
I made delicious baileys coffee in my posh coffee pot that I'd never used, I had a nice roast chicken with all the trimmings and trifle for pud and I made some mulled wine for the evening.
I may not have had any presents to open but my day was calm and quiet and filled with ratty love, so that was enough for me for this year. Kind of a fitting end after all that's happened really?

Boxing Day was spent here................

Again, perhaps not the obvious choice, but despite the rain it was day filled with friendship and laughter (ok and some more - quite a lot - more mulled wine) and I thoroughly enjoyed myself!!

So, to New Years Eve.
 I ironed my hair, put on my best fluttery false eyelashes and partied like I haven't in a very long time. The champagne flowed, the tunes were groovy and new friends were made. I was glad of my decision to leave behind not so good friends this year and the night was filled with fun and laughter, making me forget the grief of the last six months for a while!

It was a good night/ morning - I didnt get in til 4.30am - something that is usually reserved for shifts at work but it was so worth it! Despite pouring boiling water over my hand when I filled my hot water bottle and spilling hot tea in my lap (I wasn't drunk - honest!!??) and slightly aching feet, all in all it was a good end to 2012!

Today I'm at home, in my Pj's and wondering what will lie ahead this year?
Hopefully some new little chums for Freddy? Time spent with better people for me and a big change at work? 
Let's watch this space shall we?

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